
Amrita Sai: "I wrote this story in 2017 when I was 7 years old. When my dad first read it, he asked me to make it a drama instead of a story. So, I am going to change it." 

Once upon a time, a Police called "Beja Shreemanidha" was trying to catch a thief with his police friend "Sherya Govindha".

There was one time a thief broke a house in the town, but Beja and Shreya could not find him. So they informed the court. The court ordered, "Go to The United States, because there is a perfect guy who can catch him." So they went to the United States. But they did not know the city of the guy. They called the court and asked Which City?, The court replied 'New York'. They went to the New york. They told the court "I am in the street "Manhattan Bridge". The Court replied "Go to the Canal St". They saw him in their navigation app. He was walking in that street with sunglasses.

They reached the destination and they met him. When they asked his name, he said "Amrita Sai Elango" 

Sherya Govindha replied, "Great name. We need your help to catch a thief in India.", 

Sai said with shock "India? I am an Indian, but I came here so I can get rid of my pressure working with the politicians there, I am not helping you"

Beja replied "But please, we wouldn't ask this unless it was so important!" 

Sai accepted "Okay then, But only if you tell me your name." 

Sherya said "He is Beja and I am Sherya" 

Sai said "Okay, Let's go" 

They made the travel arrangements and went to India after 3 months. 

One late night they heard somebody running - 'Rangvaan'. Rangvaan is the suspect who broke a house, stole 5000 rupees and also went to a hospital and threw somebody from the emergency. The guy who was thrown from the hospital had the master plan drawn in his notebook to catch Rangvaan, That guy's name is Lamma Drinkschau. He has been the best nerd in school, he has the best ideas and he is very rich!! That is why Rangvaan threw him.

There came a call from Mr. Hudskik. He told Sai, "Rangvaan is the suspect you are looking for". Sai replied "Thank you for this information, but did he steal something from you?" Hudskik replied "Nope, I just saw it on the news" 

Sai just cut the call without saying any reply.

Sherya Govindha came and asked,  "Sai, What was the call about?" 

Sai replied, "The call was that somebody has found the criminal's name." 

Sherya asked again, "What is the name then?" Sai replied, "Rangvaan".

(There comes a song here. Song name: "Enga Irukae" - "Where are you" in English)

A few weeks past, seems the guys still have not got any information about the criminal yet. Suddenly there came another call from Mr. Hudskik and Beja picked it up. Mr Hudskik said the same, "I found the criminal!"

Beja, Sherya and Sai ran to the address of Mr. Hudskik. Mr. Hudskik was there. He said "There is the criminal!" 

They ran and asked his name, He replied "Keera Komedia." 

The policemen thought he was lying, so they checked all his passports, visa, credit cards and cash. He was Keera Komedia, but he was the wrong person.

After they came back to the police station, Sai said angrily,"I thought we were the best policemen at catching a thief, but everything is ruined because of that stupid guy, Mr. Hudskik"

Beja replied,"You are right, Sai! We should never pick up the phone if he calls us again."

Sherya asked,"But what if he called for the real Rangvaan?"

Beja replied "Yes, it should be the call for the real criminal next time."

Sai, Sherya and Beja were awake all night due to Rangvaan. The next day Keera came to the police station. Sherya Govindha saw him and asked,"Are you guys looking for Lamma or Rangvaan?" 

Sherya replied,"No, not Lamma, we are searching for Rangvaan." 

Keera replied "Look for Lamma instead." 

Shreya asked 'Why?"

Keera replied "Because he wrote his own best idea to catch Rangvaan on the notebook." 

Sherya thanked Keera for the information and asked him to leave. Keera left the police station.

Sherya ran over to Sai and Beja to tell the information. Sherya said everything Keera told. After that Sai said "Then let's search for Lamma then"

Beja warned them, "Sai! Don't you remember what Mr. Hudskik did to us?" 

Sherya replied "Beja, but we already agreed that we will get the right person", 

Sai replied "No, Sherya. Beja is right. We only agreed to catch Rangvaan, and not Lamma." 

Sherya went away with a disappointed face.

After he left, Beja was hungry and  so he went to eat. Sai went to make some research after the 2 guys went away. After a few minutes, Beja had his food and went to Sherya.

Beja told Sherya "Don't be disappointed, Be confident. You are a police, and a police shouldn't be like this."

Sherya replied "Ya, you're right, but, nobody keeps a promise with me. Even you guys don't. Why did the court tell Sai was the perfect guy to catch Rangvaan or Lamma? Because he isn't perfect at all!"

Beja replied "May be he is not perfect to you, I shouted at him to what Mr. Hudskik did. Don't be angry on him, Be angry on me. I am the one who started it."

Sherya replied "It was not your fault, Beja. It was Sai's fault."

Beja asked "How do you say it was his fault? He didn't do something at the first minute."

Sherya said "It's not yours because the first time Mr. Hudskik called us, he picked up the phone!"

Beja said, "That was a couple of weeks ago, We didn't know about this problem at first."

Sherya said, "I guess you're right."

After Sherya understood Beja, then Beja went to Sai.

Beja asked, "Sa... i, Wha.. Ma! What are you doing?"

Sai asked "Why are you getting shocked?" and said, "I am making an app to locate thieves."

Beja said, "Ah, I got shocked because that was very unfamiliar."

Sai just continued to work. The app is not only to locate thieves, it is also to locate the people we search. The app can also find If there is a phone call from someone who cheats that the criminal is there".

After a few days, it was a holiday for the three Rangvaan/Lamma Search Team. But they were all meeting at Sai's home".

Beja said, "Sai, We have to find Lamma first, otherwise we will never get the idea."

Sherya replied, "Of course, because what if Rangvaan figures out about the idea which Lamma wrote. He will tear apart the the paper with the idea from the notebook."

Sai said, "You two are right, maybe he will do that. But come!"

Sherya asked, "Where?"

Beja asked , "Ya, Sherya's right. Where?

Sai said slowly, "To the police station."

Sherya asked, "We almost go everyday to the police station, We had no holiday this whole year. It is December."

Beja said, "Wait, Sherya. Sai must have a reason for that. Tell the reason, Sai."

Sai replied, "Let's go look in my app to see where Lamma is."

Beja said, "But you said it will only find thieves."

Sai replied, "That's not all, there are another 2 things my app does."

Sherya said, "I didn't even know you made an app."

Beja said, "Get ready to go to the police station, then."

They went to the police station. Sai shouted, "Uh-oh", Sherya asked, "What is the problem, Sai?". 

Sai said in shock, "The app is broken." All of them were shocked and disappointed.

(There comes another song here. Song name: "Seyali Kadhal" - "Application Love" in English) 

This computer is stupid. No, super stupid. No, it is going give us love! No way, no love! It is going to give us danger! Sai looked into the computer what went wrong! The app was broken because of "Rangvaan".

Sai said, "How dare that Rangvaan entered our police station!"

Beja said, "Ya, We have to call Mr. Hudskik, and Mr. Keera right away!"

Sai said, "Ya, we shall also make them as a police."

They went to Mr. Hudskik and Keera. They accepted it. 

The next day Rangvaan/Lamma Search Team came to the police station. Everybody sat on the police car and searched for Lamma. Whoever sees him, he is accepted not to come to the police station on January 6.

Nobody found him, so they came back. 

When they came back, some villains entered in and they said in South Korean language, "왜 당신은 우리의 친구를 공격 하려고 하는?" 

Sai said, "Wha... What? Who... Lang." 

Villain called Robin Daraspa said, "너 우리 한테 무슨 말을하려는거야? 우리가 떠나야한다고 말하는거야? 우리가 친구를 떠날 때까지 우리는 떠나지 않을 것입니다!" 

Sai shouted, " Who are you? What are you doing here? Go away! What language are you talking?" 

Karaspla Daan said, "당신이 우리를 이해하지 못하니? 우리가 친구를 사귈 때까지 우리는 떠나지 않을 것입니다! 그리고 익숙지 않은 언어를 말하는 것을 멈추십시오!" 

Sai said, "Can you understand me? Why don't you speak in english then?" 

Damma Varascpa said, "왜 우리에 게 듣지 않아? 우리 것 이다 넣어 자신의 감옥에 Rangvaan 하지 않습니다 경우." and then the villains went away.

Sherya came and asked, "Sai, What has just happened? I heard someone talking to you in an unfamiliar language."

Sai said "I don't know. Some people entered in talking in an unfamiliar language. The only thing I understood was they used the word Rangvaan, They look like villains."

Beja came and said, "I heard their language and what you guys are talking about. I think I get what is going on."

Sherya asked, "What is going on then?"

Beja said,"Sai said they look like villains and they used the word 'Rangvaan', So they must be the people of Rangvaan."

Sai said,"Wow, May be Beja is right! Why didn't I get this thought earlier?"

Everyone continued on the topic. A few years past. Keera said, "Let's stop looking for the criminal. It is boring anyway." 

Sai replied,"No, we can't! otherwise he will continue to do the crime forever!" 

Keera said"Ok, if you say so. But let's look for Lamma first then!!!"

(There comes another song here. Song name: " Lamma Lamma ") 

A few months past.

Beja said "Foo, It has been 3 years, 2 months and 10 weeks. We still haven't got the criminal yet."

Hudskik said "Ya, where could Rangvaan or Lamma be?"

Sai said, "But we can't stop looking for them if we are tired. Quack-quack."

Sherya said "Hey, guys! what about we try these. Internet searches, apps, research, country search"

Keera replied "What? Nothing of these will work unless we were a celebrity."

Hudskik said "Ah ha, Then that's it!"

Beja asked "What, Mr Hudskik?"

Hudskik said, "Then we shall make ourselves popular!"

Sai asked, "How can we become popular? We are just normal police men, 'can't become popular'."

Sherya said, "Ya, how?"

Keera said, "I know how. But I will have to teach someone about that and he should try it. But, who should be that person?"

Sai said "I will."

Keera replied, "Ok, Sai."

Sai tried and tried and tried to do what Keera has told. He became so popular after a few months of very hard practice. Nobody knew Sai was popular. So they informed everyone and gave them the website to know about it.

(There comes another song here. Song name: " Naan Prabalam" - "I am popular" in english)  

Now they are a celebrity, they tried everything what Sherya said. Still nothing worked out, but suddenly Beja told Sai, "Sai, You can still make the app you were making, We can navigate those two!"

Sai said, "Nice idea, Beja.". So they fixed the app, and then they searched on the navigation for Lamma.

Beja said "Hey, Lamma is, is... just... here says the navigation!" So all of them looked around the police station but nobody was there.

Sai said "I know, The navigation says Lamma is right here. He is hiding and I think he may also be a thief! Rangvaan is also here. They must be friend thieves."

Beja replied "Double-search-years-from-now-on!😣"

Sherya said "Stop, Beja! We can still look around the town.

So they looked around the town, and then they found the criminals after a careful search. They were hiding behind an apartment building which had a very tiny lift which is broken.

While they were taking the thieves to the police station, Rangvaan's People appeared and started fighting. 

Rangvaan said "I will help you, Sai.". 

Sai got shocked and said "You are a thief! Why are you helping me?" 

Rangvaan said slowly, "Because my life is hidden behind a rock. I'm acting as a bad person, but Lamma is the real thief!"

Sai shouted, "What?!" 

The End.


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